The Curie Foundation

The Curie Foundation

The function of The Curie Foundation is to collect money or in-kind benefits from entities related to the Grammar School nám. Curieových who put their hands up for the idea of general support for the development of the school, its pupils and teachers.

The Curie Foundation finances projects mainly in the following areas:

• Support material resources of the school, teaching aids, cultural, artistic, sporting activities, etc.
• Extracurricular activities, expansion of teaching, support for the teaching of foreign languages by native speakers
• Levelling social differences between students – financing extracurricular activities, language and other school trips, etc.) - providing equal opportunities for all pupils
• Prevention programs, projects, presentations and development of school profile
• Encouragement and development of the talents and abilities of pupils
• Subvention of the further development of teachers - education, awareness and qualification enhancement, etc.
• Leisure activities (school-organized events in the culture and social sphere, languages, sports, etc.)

Buřinka for the second time supports Charitky program

A contribution to Denis for socio-therapeutic program

The Curie Foundation

K+K Hotels

ARC Robotics

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Stories of happy children
What is Charitky project?
Handmade by handicapped
Helps to develop children
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Project Charitky is supported